FYCA Flag LogoFYCA Handicaps

Follow the links to see the handicaps and performance data for the yachts racing on the Forth. Note that only the active yachts' data is published. Yachts are considered to be actively racing on the Forth if they appear in the results returned to the FYCA by the member clubs within the last 3 year or have recently been allocated a handicap.

Yachts with a "(C)" after the name are club owned. These yachts are expected to be sailed by different crews and therefore do not have a Progressive Handicap calculated. These yachts remain on their base handicap.

The history of the published FYCA Progressive handicaps are shown for the active yachts. For each update of the published handicap, the handicap is shown together with the change in brackets since the last published handicap. These are colour coded as follows: Blue - update to slower handicap; Red - update to faster handicap; Grey - no change; Blank - No FYCA handicap published for this date.

The updates are normally published twice a year. Unscheduled updates may be made to correct errors and omissions. This page should be used to validate that the correct handicap was being used in historic results.

FYCA Division 1 Handicaps FYCA Division 1 Performance FYCA Division 1 History
FYCA Division 2 Handicaps FYCA Division 2 Performance FYCA Division 2 History
FYCA One Design Handicaps Recent Handicap Updates

Published History - Division 1

Issue date: 22-May-2024, 16:31

Yacht Name FYCA
Mar 2016 Jul 2016 Aug 2016 Mar 2017 Aug 2017 Apr 2018 Jun 2018 Apr 2019 Jun 2019 Apr 2020 May 2021 Apr 2022 Mar 2023 Jul 2023 Mar 2024
GBR7008N Apollo (C) 927                              
GBR7121N Baltika (707) (C) 927                              
GBR9585 Eclipse 956   956 (+0) 956 (+0) 956 (+0) 975 (+19) 975 (+0) 967 (-8) 976 (+9) 976 (+0) 978 (+2) 978 (+0) 978 (+0) 978 (+0) 979 (+1) 979 (+0)
GBR2649R Erin 794 792 (-2) 793 (+1) 795 (+2) 795 (+0) 795 (+0) 796 (+1) 796 (+0) 796 (+0) 796 (+0) 795 (-1) 795 (+0) 795 (+0) 795 (+0) 795 (+0) 795 (+0)
GBR7349 Hardslog 856 858 (+2) 858 (+0) 858 (+0) 858 (+0) 857 (-1) 859 (+2) 859 (+0) 859 (+0) 858 (-1) 858 (+0) 858 (+0) 859 (+1) 860 (+1) 859 (-1) 859 (+0)
GBR7084N Racing Demon 927                              
3002C Shoki 922                   923 (+1) 923 (+0) 920 (-3) 919 (-1) 920 (+1) 919 (-1)
GBR6666 Smij of Antrim 940 950 (+10) 950 (+0) 951 (+1) 956 (+5) 959 (+3) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0) 959 (+0)
GBR4691L Spero 950                             950 (+0)
GBR7070N Synchro 927 937 (+10) 937 (+0) 939 (+2) 944 (+5) 945 (+1) 946 (+1) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0) 946 (+0)
GBR2187L The Black Prince 810                         808 (-2) 808 (+0) 808 (+0)
GBR6445T Wild Horse 932 937 (+5) 936 (-1) 937 (+1) 939 (+2) 939 (+0) 937 (-2) 936 (-1) 938 (+2) 939 (+1) 936 (-3) 936 (+0) 936 (+0) 936 (+0) 937 (+1) 937 (+0)

FYCA Division 1 Handicaps FYCA Division 1 Performance FYCA Division 1 History
FYCA Division 2 Handicaps FYCA Division 2 Performance FYCA Division 2 History
FYCA One Design Handicaps Recent Handicap Updates