FYCA website; Circulates club sailing secretaries contact list; Liaises with Forth Ports plc for distribution of Notices to Mariners to clubs

Tide Data:
Purchases UKHO Leith tide tables & copyright license so clubs can publish the data. Uses ‘Neptune Tide’ to generate calendar planning spreadsheets for clubs to select dates

Co-ordinates date requests to create & distribute the annual FYCA Calendar

Yacht Handicaps:
Sets yacht handicaps based on performance data returned by clubs

Safety Standards:
Publishes Construction & Equipment Standards for yachts

Race Marks:
Maintains a set of race marks & ground tackle to hire for major events

East Coast of Scotland – Sailing Directions:
Compiled & edited the new ECoS Sailing Directions, published by Imray in 2023

Represents clubs’ interests with RYA (Scotland), Forth Ports, Forth Navigation, HM Coastguard, Scottish Canals, The Forth Estuary Forum, local councils and Scottish Government.