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Update on Forth and Clyde Canal

Update on Forth and Clyde Canal

This year, due to an adjustment of the staff rosters, we hope to be able to offer more flexibility providing it doesn’t prevent absolute ‘core’ tasks (e.g. water control or weed management) getting done. Therefore whilst we can only guarantee transit Friday to Monday, we hope to be able to more frequently offer transits on […]

HM Coastguard – Time Expired Pyrotechnic

HM Coastguard – Time Expired Pyrotechnics

HM Coastguard will receive time expired pyrotechnics from the leisure community only, by arrangement at St Andrews Coastguard Station. HM Coastguard Albany Park East Sands St Andrews KY16 8BP The station will be open from 1000 to 1500 on the following dates: Saturday 13th May Sunday 25th June Saturday 29th July Sunday 3rd September Saturday […]