Handicap Applications in Three Steps
Before the FYCA handicap committee can set a yacht’s handicap they need to know the details of the yacht and the factors that may affect the handicap. Applications should be submitted on the FYCA Handicap Application Form which is designed to gather all the required information.

  1. When to Apply
    The FYCA handicap form should be completed and submitted if any of the following events occur:
    You acquire a new yacht (even it already has a FYCA handicap)
    You make changes to your yacht that may affect the handicap
    You want to the FYCA to review your handicap, (add the reasons in the ‘additional information’ section)
    The details of your yacht known to the handicaps committee and deficient or incorrect.
  2. Which Form to Use
    The FYCA Handicap form is available in two formats. The PDF version should be used when you wish to print a form, complete it with a pen and post the application. The Excel version should be used when you want to complete the form on your computer and submit electronically.
  3. How to Submit Your Application
    Please submit your form to your club’s sailing secretary who will pass it on to the committee. The findings of the handicap committee will be reported in the same way

Use either the PDF form or the EXCEL version.
Note. If the Excel spreadsheet does not download in Chrome browser you may have to find the Chrome option to “keep” the file.

Sailing secretaries should send completed applications and any queries to the committee via email at: handicap@fyca.org.uk.