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Forth and Clyde Canal Blockage

Forth and Clyde Canal Blockage

We have just received this worrying notice from Scottish Canals. If you are planning, or have commenced a transit in July, please make sure to call 0845 6766000 or 07810 794467 to find the current situation. Lock 9 is East of Falkirk, West of the Forth sealock. You can still do Bowling to Auchinstarry, or […]

Fisherrow Regatta 2017

Fisherrow Regatta 2017

Next weekend is the Fisherrow Yacht Club Regatta, please could you relay our invitation to your members to attend. We would very much welcome visiting yachts and dinghies at our event which is made even more special by this being our Jubilee year; there is a great vibe around the club and we have just opened […]